Now that I could smile 🙂

It hurts when we feel being ignored by someone we would give our heart to. But it shines you out when you actually are not being ignored as if he wanted to ignore you. Pening? Aku pun pening dengan ayat sendiri :p

Dipendekkan cerita, I was feeling down since yesterday; for simply a small reason (but it bothers me obviously). Kerana ialah MN tidak meng-kontek aku selama hampir 24 jam. Patut ke tidak itu sebenarnya? Like I said, I am not really concern whether we talk a leghty hours, or even a quick 5 mins saying hi. To me, the thought that counts. Maka aku amat kesedihan semalam sampai ke hari ini.

I went back from the office pretty early because I know the fact that bonus tahun ini akan dikerat. Tidak mungkin akan menikmati 4 bulan bonus. Ntah-ntah one month jer. Sotong sungguh.

I cook, I did my laundry and relaxed my mind. Huh leisure. I loike.

I watched Korean DVD titled ‘Seducing The Perfect Man’. My goodness, cerita itu ialah best ok. Buat aku terawangan-awangan dan berangan dah tak sedar diri. Tetapi hati masih sedih sebab MN masih missing in action.

Suddenly my Motorola buruk rang and it was MN.Aku terasa hati sebenarnya. Aku lagi senang bagitau je dia direct. Len kali kalau nak tertido pon,bgth lah nak tido. And oh ya, his excuse was – he fell asleep tertaksengaja. So tak call aku. Agak sedih dengan jawapan dia sebab aku kalau nak tido awal, aku bgth sesiap aku nak tido and say gudnyte.

Rupa-rupanya, MN saja nak memain ngan aku.

‘Sy saje tak contact awk, sebab sy nak wat awk rindu, pastu kita boleh jumpa esok:)’

Ooo yeay, he’s coming back tomorrow morning, YEAY~!! Oh, he made surprises rupa-rupanya.

Terus hati aku ter-heal dan takde luka-luka lah. Aku ni cepat je sejuk. But with the right way of course.

Ok peeps, so you know I am on leave during weekend. No gals nyte out- no movie outing- no masak masaking at home. Unless I would cook for him, which err hermm I don’t think so. Because we would spend money out for those heaven food out there. I will cook for him someday. Kena masak things really special lah kan =)

Baiklah. Bila hati rasa gembira…